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企 业 名 称:江西赣翔律师事务所

所 属 网 库:南昌商务网库

联 系 人:曹澄清先生

员 工 人 数:未知

主 营 产 品:法律服务 诉讼代理 刑事辩护 律师调查 仲裁代理 资信审查 项目法律服务 非诉代理 代拟文书 投资法律咨询

公 司 地 址:中国 江西 南昌市 南昌市沿江北大道1013号

联 系 电 话:86-0791-6832766

电 子 邮 箱:gxlawyer@pfglawyer.cn

移 动 电 话:13870....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-0791-6832766

注 册 资 金:未知

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    经 营 模 式:其他 ;商业服务

    主 营 行 业:法律服务


      赣翔是一家综合性律师事务所,具有多名从业十余年的律师,多名具有证券资格的律师,不仅法学功底深厚,而且实务经验广博、业务技能精到、道德品质高尚的资深律师团队,服务方向涉及民事、经济、刑事、行政等多个法律部门。赣翔律师在代理各类诉讼案件、防范和化解法律风险的法律事务中,经验丰富,多名律师在北京、广州、海南从事资产清算、不良资产处置、企业上市和资产重组等法律事务经历,沉淀了精华,能够针对客户的具体需要、为其提供量身定做的法律解决方案,可为客户提供多领域、多层次的 法律服务。 Ganxiang Lawyer Office is a comprehensive law office, owning several experienced lawyer more than ten years with securities eligible. These lawyers qualify with good command of legal knowledge, abundant practicing experiences, exquisite skills and noble moral characters. Our services cover many apartments, such as civil, economy, penal, administration, etc. We are experienced in representing all kinds of litigation, against and solve risks in lawsuits. Several lawyers engaged in asset accounting, bad asset handling, enterprises listing and asset re-construction in Beijing, Guangzhou and Hainan. We can provide you with multi-field and multi-level service according to your specific requirement. Jiangxi Ganxiang Lawyer Office has advance service awareness, management mode, serious attitude and abundant experience. The legal profession is more and more competitive, the continuous innovation of Ganxiang’s culture is the motive power and guarantee of our excellent quality. We have spirit of “being serious to do thing right, make well by heart” and “being loyalty to our clients”. We must provide you and your enterprises with fine quality legal service.
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