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企 业 名 称:上海名人坊服装设计有限公司

所 属 网 库:长乐商务网库

联 系 人:程月璇女士

职 位:销售经理

员 工 人 数:11 - 50 人

主 营 产 品:量身定制高级西服 量身定制高级皮衣 定制衬衫 供应领带 供应袖钉

公 司 地 址:中国 上海 上海市静安区 上海市长乐路918号

联 系 电 话:86-021-62483863

邮 政 编 码:200040

移 动 电 话:13901....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-021-62487408

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:一人有限责任公司

主 营 行 业:服装设计 皮衣 棉类系列面料 制服、工作服


    名人坊服装设计公司是一家集西服、白领制服、衬衫与皮衣定制、并融合现代形象设计为一体的高级专业服装公司。  名人坊倡导“现代定制”概念,每位顾客都保留试穿修改后的样板,是名人坊的特色。无论是定制西服还皮衣,真正做到一人一板,只有精致、立体的制板方式,才能符合人体工程学,穿着更合体,造型更完美。名人坊其卓越的设计、精湛的技艺和体贴的售后服务已拥有一批名界名流在内的忠实客户,公司还提供世界顶级品牌面料及皮料,热情为您服务,恭候您的光临。 BIG MAN Dress Designing Company                 -------Chiefdesigner Mr.Chiang chingchuan He is a Famous chiefdesigner from Taiwan. Some more than 30 years dress designing makes lithograph plates the experience, In Shanghai more then 10 years. careful manages. meticus build "BIG MAN" The "BIG MAN" is has custom-made the western-style clothing. The shirt. the leather clothing and the modem image design high professional costume dress designing company. The company initiates the moden age to have custom-mmade concept and takecare ror eachvisitor revises after the sample plate regardress of has custom-made any clothing guarantees an eachperson of model. Only has precisely. three-dimansional makes lithograph plates the way can conform to the human body engineering moreover is putting on goodfitting. the modelling is more perfect. The "BIG MAN" remarkable design the excellent craft and sympathize the service the refore had many from all walks of life celebrities faithful customers. The company also sells the world high-qu-lity costuming the skin material. Welcome your Presence!
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网评:上海名人坊服装设计有限公司坐落于中国 上海 上海市静安区 上海市长乐路918号,主营行业是创意设计。
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