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企 业 名 称:九江市全有化工新技术服务中心

所 属 网 库:九江商务网库

联 系 人:徐生先生

员 工 人 数:未知

主 营 产 品:助焊剂配方 环保工业清洗剂 水基型工业清洗剂 环保胶粘剂 玉米淀粉胶粘剂 日用化学品 家庭酿造啤酒技术 中药功能性饮料配方技术

公 司 地 址:中国 江西 九江市 九江市

联 系 电 话:86-0136-91621624

电 子 邮 箱:

移 动 电 话:13691....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-792-8181338

注 册 资 金:未知

  • 135****5692
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    经 营 模 式:个体经营 ;生产加工

    主 营 行 业:复合型胶粘剂 建筑涂料 工业用清洗剂 其他未分类 节能环保材料 技术转让


      九江市全有化工新技术服务中心,由几十年从业经验的职业工程师创办,专业从事环保无公害与资源节级型化工新技术的研究开发及产品生产与销售,数年来自主开发的水基型波峰焊助焊剂、无卤素环保溶剂型免洗助焊剂、水基型线路板清洗剂、水基型高效油污清洗剂、植物提取物日用洗洁精、无甲醛环保聚乙烯醇耐水白乳胶、改性玉米淀粉木工胶、改性玉米淀粉耐水白乳胶已成功推向市场,并获得用户好评! 公司拥有配套齐全的实验设备与检验检测设备及一流的研发团队,主要服务于中小企业产品更新及个人创业,所有研发项目均具有环保、节耗、工艺简单、投资少、市场大、风险小、上马快的优势,特别适应个人小本创业。 Quanyou Chemical New Technology Services Center Subordinate body, By Several dozens years Professional engineer Origination, The specialty is engaged in The environmental protection does not have the environmental damage Green And Resource conservation Chemical new technology new material Research development and product manufacturing and sale, For several years Independent development The water type wave ridge welds the welding flux、The non-halogen environmental protection exempts washes the welding flux、The water type line board cleansing agent, the water type highly effective greasy dirt cleansing agent, the plant extraction everyday use liquid detergent, the non-formaldehyde environmental protection polyvinyl alcohol anti-water white emulsion, the modified corn starch carpenter's glue, the modified corn starch anti-water white emulsion has succeeded pushes to the market, and obtains the user high praise! The company has the necessary complete test installation and the first-class research and development team, Mainly serves the small and medium-sized enterprise product renewal and individual undertaking, all research and development project has the environmental protection、Saves the earth resource、 the manufacture simply、The investment fund are few、the market is big、risk small Superiority, Special adaptationonly the few funds want to start an undertaking human。
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    网评:九江市全有化工新技术服务中心坐落于中国 江西 九江市 九江市,主营行业是知识产权。
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